Sunday, January 1, 2012

This is just the beginning...

This is my first public letter blog. I've written many before but never for people to read if they happen to find this. I have enough letters to start something. So many letters I've written but could never post. I think I might be ready though. One by one I'll post them..or portions of them along with daily/weekly letters. I feel crazy writing this. I feel like no one is really listening and like this is pointless but my whole reason for writing this is so that I can show other people one day....or maybe so that people can find this when I'm gone. I think it'd be cool. To see day to day what I felt. Look back and recall what I was going through and maybe relate. I hope to look to this for advice. I was also somewhat inspired by my 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' which I just started reading the other night. I've done the whole blog thing before, I had one going for a while but kept it private. No one really knows about it. I wish I could've started this sooner, I feel like I have so much to explain and write about. I feel like I need to catch everyone up for anyone who reads this to understand. But really...what do I owe any of you. Maybe I should leave my past as a mystery. Explain when I need to and leave it up to you the rest of the time. There will be people I'll need to explain thats for sure. Lets see where this goes. So welcome to the madness. This stories just begun....

1 comment:

  1. Keep going, Penny Lane. Write, my dear, for after we are gone may our words continue our legacy. I, as a humble follower, look forward to reading of your adventures and thoughts. We seem to be in the same boat, you and I, for I have just started a blog myself. I wish to encourage you, for it seems it has been nearly two years since your last post. Keep going, Penny Lane.

    If you wish to read mine, here it is:

    Jane Dawson
